For some, the only way to get over a break-up is to keep moving; for others, the only solace is a spa vacation. Tired of the same old routine, one woman might opt for a trip where the sole focus is helping others; another may decide that the only real escape is a Girlfriend Getaway with her best friends. According to three-time Emmy-Award winning author Karen Schaler, the only way to change your attitude is by changing your environment — and Travel Therapy is the guide to help you get there.
With 101 unique destinations, Travel Therapy is geared toward helping readers refresh and find themselves, whether they’re dealing with a breakup or divorce, celebrating retirement, or looking to shake things up. Every chapter includes quizzes, travel tips, and extensively researched links to the best destination-specific websites to help you figure out the perfect destination for you. From daring destinations to soothing spa escapes, Travel Therapy is your road map to self-discovery, happiness, and success — whether it’s zip-lining in Belize, helping orphaned children in Africa, or beachcombing the Caribbean.