The first reference/price guide to focus exclusively on 20th Century Modern American clocks. Over 2,300 clocks (including manual, electric, alarm, chime, novelty) are catalogued with more than 1,600 pictures. The book encompasses early industrial, machine age, moderne, art deco, streamline and mid-century modern design styles. Also included are desk, shelf and decorative weather guides (barometers, hygrometers, thermometers), radio timers/switches, kitchen timers, hybrids and related devices. Each listing includes the brand, maker, year, model name and/or number, industrial designer where known, movement type and options, cabinet materials, dimensions and variations. Also included is a comprehensive index with current market values for each model and all variations. Other valuable resources included are a Historical index of brands and manufacturers, guidelines for fine-tuning values and basic repairs and resources. Included are clock brands such as Artcraft, Aldine, Bugle Boy, Comet, Deluxe, General Electric, Gilbert, Hamilton Sangamo, Hammond, Herman Miller, Ingersol, Ingraham, Jefferson, Lackner, Lawson, Lux, Manning-Bowman, Mastercrafters, New Haven, Old Reliable, National Call, Pennwood/Numechron, Sessions, Seth Thomas, Telechron, Waltham, Waterbury, Westclox, (weather meters including Airguide, Taylor, Jason, Swift & Anderson) and many more. The second volume of this series is due out by the end of 2002. That book will encompass American mantle, wall, floor, novelty and kitchen clocks of the same period and in a similar fashion.