Taxes for Small Businesses QuickStart Guide - Understanding Taxes for Your Sole Proprietorship, Startup, & LLC
LLCs explained in depth in an easy-to-understand format, so you can get started on your business today!
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) have increased in popularity over the last few decades. Entrepreneurs across the world learn about the numerous liability and tax advantages of LLCs, and are quick to start the paperwork to form their own entity and get their business off the ground.
LLCs are a relatively new type of business structure - dating back to only 40 years ago in Wyoming. Since then, states have adopted and dealt with LLCs as they see fit. Our goal in this audiobook is to provide the broad strokes of the LLC that are true in every state, while also bringing to your attention and directing you to the proper resources for the state-by-state differences.
While LLCs are often cited for their numerous advantages and benefits for new business owners, there are potential disadvantages depending on your specific situation. Don't worry - all of this will be covered in the book as well.
Country | USA |
Brand | Audible |
Manufacturer | ClydeBank Media, LLC |
Binding | Audible Audiobook |
Format | Unabridged |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |