The past decade has seen huge advances in the application ofmicroscopy in all areas of science. This welcome development inmicroscopy has been paralleled by an expansion of the vocabulary oftechnical terms used in microscopy: terms have been coined for newinstruments and techniques and, as microscopes reach even higherresolution, the use of terms that relate to the optical andphysical principles underpinning microscopy is now commonplace. The Dictionary of Microscopy was compiled to meet thischallenge and provides concise definitions of over 2,500 terms usedin the fields of light microscopy, electron microscopy, scanningprobe microscopy, x-ray microscopy and related techniques. Writtenby Dr Julian P. Heath, Editor of Microscopy and Analysis (, the dictionary is intended to provide easy navigation through themicroscopy terminology and to be a first point of reference fordefinitions of new and established terms.
The Dictionary of Microscopy is an essential, accessibleresource for:
- students who are new to the field and are learning aboutmicroscopes
- equipment purchasers who want an explanation of the terms usedin manufacturers' literature
- scientists who are considering using a new microscopicaltechnique
- experienced microscopists as an aide mémoire or quicksource of reference
- librarians, the press and marketing personnel who requiredefinitions for technical reports.