Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
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For undergraduate and graduate courses in Logistics.
This market-leading text explores modern logistics from a managerial perspective characterized by geopolitical tensions in various parts of the world, steadily increasing trade among countries and across continents, supply chain vulnerabilities caused by severe natural disasters, and an unabated pace of technological advancement. In it, readers see theory come to life through the authors’ timely, practical, thorough, and exciting coverage of the fundamentals of logistics in today’s dynamic global
The invaluable suggestions of reviewers, adopters, and others—coupled with the expertise of new co-author A. Michael Knemeyer—have been incorporated into this new 11th edition to provide the freshest, most up-to-date insights and perspectives. Included is a new case study plus new examples, references, and discussions throughout. The illustrative tables, figures, and key terms have been revised or updated.
This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. Here’s how:
Country | USA |
Manufacturer | Pearson |
Binding | Kindle Edition |
ReleaseDate | 2014-01-14 |
Format | Kindle eBook |